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Digital Marketing: The New Norm It’s undeniable: the digital world is where brands live and breathe. Nearly all marketing efforts have transitioned online, drastically transforming the landscape from what it was over a decade ago. The sheer volume of online brand interactions necessitates a fresh approach to digital marketing.

Adapting to the New Branding Platforms As digital platforms evolve, so too must our strategies. Business owners and branding strategists must embrace these changes to stay relevant. If you’re new to the digital marketing game or need a refresher, it’s important to start with the basics and build from there.

Be Human, Be Real In the digital arena, authenticity wins. Your brand needs to sound human. This means engaging in real conversations with your audience. Use first-person narratives in your posts. For example, using “I” or “We” makes your communications feel more personal and relatable.

Chris Baccus, a noted digital marketing expert, emphasizes the importance of being part of the conversation rather than dominating it. Use social media to share your messages, but avoid sounding like a press release. If you make a mistake, own it. A simple apology for a typo can enhance your brand’s human element—don’t delete, be real!

Define Your Goals Before diving into social media marketing, define what you want to achieve. Are you aiming for broader reach or deeper engagement? Measure your success based on the quality of interactions rather than just the quantity of posts. Understand what resonates with your audience and adjust your strategies accordingly.

MTV is a prime example of successful pre-launch engagement. They demonstrated the power of strategic pre-promotion by fostering a passionate community before a show’s debut. It’s about creating buzz and building connections early on.

Engage and Listen Never underestimate the power of responsiveness. Consumers expect quick replies to their inquiries. Xbox Support excels in this area, responding to thousands of tweets weekly with an impressive turnaround time. This level of responsiveness sets a high standard for customer service in the digital age.

Utilize Efficient Digital Channels Today, digital marketing offers a variety of cost-effective channels compared to traditional media. Companies no longer need to allocate exorbitant budgets for TV or print ads. Instead, they can achieve significant results with smarter, targeted digital campaigns.

In conclusion, as we continue to navigate the dynamic waves of digital marketing, the key is to stay adaptable, authentic, and responsive. By doing so, brands can survive and thrive in this ever-evolving digital landscape.

Mash Bonigala

Mash B. is the Founder & CEO of SpellBrand. Since 1998, Mash has helped conscious brands differentiate themselves and AWAKEN through Brand Strategy and Brand Identity Design. Schedule a Brand Strategy Video Call with Mash.